New Zealand 1991-1997

 I spent the first year or more building us a house and getting a workshop set up.  We lived near a small coastal town with commercial fishing, oysters and mussel farming being the principal occupations.  Boat work started to appear consisting mostly of repairs and modifications to working vessels.  

This boat was built for cray fishing (lobsters) and the owner wanted it extended an extra four feet.  So I cut the transom off, spliced extensions onto the stringers and reattached the transom.  The keel and shaft also had to be extended.

Another customer in the below photo had a bare hull and needed a cabin and interior built.

A more interesting project came along when I got to build a Benford 17' fantail steam launch from scratch.  The hull was strip planked with Monterey Cypress (Macrocarpa) and glassed inside and out.

